Hi bloggers, my economic situation wasn’t the best and for this I never travelled abroad but I’d like to visit USA and I'm in campain to do this.

Resultado de imagen para parque nacional yellowstoneMaybe you’r asking “why?”. The answer is simple: First, I’d like to visit because is a way to commit myself to talk in English and perfect this aspect. Second, I want work in a resort for get more human contact and get money for survive in this wild environment whitout my family. Thirdly, whit the money that I get working I’d like visit tourist atractions like Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park and, maybe, Diney World… a classic tourist stops.

Resultado de imagen para grand canyon
I have a friend and He do this last summer through an agency. They get you a work interview whit different resort in USA. The only requirement is you must have money for pay flight and your stay. But also, the same resort offers you a guesthouse.

I think that is possible doing this but I have to push myself to learn some little more English skills for getting a good job.

Besides, I’d like to visit Mexico and Europe but this is other history jajaja.

I really hope that one day you come true your dream. All depend of you!!
