3 months ago our faculty made a new course who calls: Viverization and Reforestation Workshop in Patagonian Forests, all this with teacher Juan Ovalle in charge. And this course had a little trick… You must apply to earn a place with one motivation letter because they only had 10 vacancies.


This course was made in alliance with Huinay Foundation in Hornopiren (Los Lagos region). Fortunately, I won a place for this trip. To go there, faculty bought airline tickets to Puerto Montt and we had to go to Hornopiren by bus and the only way to arrive to Hiunay is by boat (see the map).


In this training we have two objectives, 1) Recovering Huinay nursery and 2) Establish a forestation plan. For have a good organitation, the teacher made two groups (5 person per each) and in a situation like this, I have a really good luck. Because I like play with land and generate new plants (nursery work) and luckily, I had work on the first objective.

The Huynai nursery was a total disaster… it was unhandled for 3 years and plants was gigants and thick (3 meters tall) in a little space (3 or 4 square meters). Well, we had to clean all and reorganized the space to do a good managment (This nursery have 10 or 12 space of 11 square meters for plants).
This part was fun because, for climate, graniseed while we cleaned all and one day (Wednesday I think) we can´t work because heavy rain.

Last day we had to made a presentation to Huinay manager about our results and future nursery management and one for a children group at the Hornopiren school about nursery function and importance in forestation plans.

In fact, the space where we were greeted was very comfortable, it looked like a 5 star hotel, and the food was very delicious. I want to go back there, maybe for do many research.

I have a problem in this blog, 2 paragraph appear white, but if you select them, you can see what it says. Blogger tools can´t fix it.


  1. Wow, huinay sounds amazing, i hope i can know it

  2. This place sounds very interesting, I would love to visit it!


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