Hi everyone!

Today I will talk about if I want to do post graduate studies, which one and why.
Well, now I don’t know what I want to do in the future. For this this blog is very difficult to me.

Resultado de imagen para master

Some time ago I was thinking if I want work as a forest engieneer after get my cardboard between one and three years. Maybe for get experience in some areas of this university carrer and after this think about do a master or PhD in a specific topic.

Imagen relacionada

I don’t know which are the options and requirement of do a post graduate studies abroad so watching the official page of forestry in this university you have two master options: Environmental management and planning or wilderness areas and nature conservation.

In a extreme case I choose the last one. Because in this topic you have to understand the real economic grow impact and how this is a hazard of our native ecosistem, how damage natural procces in the forest and comunity plants and, the most important to me, how managment this areas to protect and preserve natural resources and animal life.

This course lasts one and a half year or two year if you want do it quieter. I think that the second one is the best option jaja.

In future If I do this I need money, a critical factor to consider for this idea.


  1. Luck on you search, That master is a really good option. greetings

  2. Hopefully you earn the "kino" so you can study and do what you like quietly.


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